About Project
‘’Civil Society Dialogue for Empowering Youth Works in Local’’ project awarded for the grant within the sixth phase of Civil Society Dialogue Programme implemented by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for European Union Affairs with the financial support of European Union. Contracting Authority of the programme is Central Finance and Contracts Unit. ‘’Civil Society Dialogue’’ is a grant programme aiming to bring together the civil society organizations from Turkey and European Union for an information and experience exchange, building permanent dialogue on the common subjects. Civil Society Dialogue contributes to bring EU norms and best practice examples to our country with the cooperation and partnerships between the civil society organizations from Turkey and European Union.
‘’Civil Society Dialogue for Empowering Youth-Works in Local’’ project which is implemented with the partnership of Pi Youth Association and Stichting Bloom Foundation maintain its activities between the dates of April 30, 2021 and July, 30 2022.
The biggest aim of the project which will be implemented to strengthen the capacities of youth workers and civil society organizations working in the field of youth on increasing employment, improving working and living conditions, establishing social protection mechanisms at appropriate level, promoting dialogue with social partners, developing human resources in order to ensure sustainable employment, combating poverty and social exclusion and providing equal opportunity for men and women, is to strengthen the civil society dialogue between Turkey and European Union.
Main Activities of the action:
Expected outcomes of the action:
This youth platformwas built to strengthen the dialogue between the CSOs working in the field of youth in Turkey and The Netherlands on Chapter 19 of EU acquis.
Platform consistsTurkish, English, and Dutch institutional presentations of CSOs as the target group of the action, legal reports, statistical data on EU Acquis, EU Enlargement Process, EU Youth Policy and EU Youth Strategy.
about project