The Participation Act was introduced on 1 January 2015 and replaces the Work and Social Assistance Act (WWB), the Sheltered Employment Act and a large part of the Wajong Act. The implementation of the Participation Act lies largely with the municipality.

The basic principle of the Participation Act is that everyone participates in society according to their ability and provides for their own support as much as possible.

The main aim of the Participation Act is to guide or support as many people with labor capacity to find work or to support them in their work. Preference is given to paid work, but if this is not possible, it can also be voluntary work.

The second aim of the Participation Act is to ensure that everyone has an income, including people who are unable to support themselves. The Participation Act provides (addition to) income up to the applicable "social minimum" (Article 7). There is only a right to social assistance benefit (social assistance) insofar as there is no other current statutory regulation. After all, assistance is the last safety net.

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